Our Purpose
The drivers of poor nutrition are ever changing – people, cultures, food choices, social norms, business actions, national systems and even our global governance structures do not stay the same. Without innovation, responses will not adapt, needs will not be met, and poor nutrition outcomes will not improve.
We continue to grow our network with the best-in-class experts from around the world. We work across the entire impact spectrum – from working with local communities, to strengthening national systems, to influencing global policy.
Global development is a conversation.
We want to hear your views.
Our Story
FHI Solutions was established in 2008 and is an international organization and impact network focusing on sourcing and scaling innovations to ensure optimal nutrition for everyone. Today, we reach millions of people across 30 countries in Africa and Asia.

We are especially committed to supporting women and girls so that everybody has a voice in their country’s development.
Innovation management is critical to secure new streams of funding, yet, while innovations in tech and climate are rapidly adapting, in 2022 there is relatively little agile problem solving and investment in innovation for global malnutrition. This means that unlike other sectors, solutions, people, policies, and programs do not rapidly evolve.
Sufficient investment in piloting innovations, rigorous testing of approaches, and proving results are urgently needed to respond to rapidly changing world trends. Our goal is two-fold. We want to find novel solutions for malnutrition and test them. And we want to scale these solutions by connecting domains and sectors that are not yet optimally working together, attracting greater investment, accountability and sparking authentic partnerships.
Where we work
Learn more about the state of the world’s nutrition and why nutrition is one of the biggest opportunities in global development.